Some of the funniest stand-up comedy skits that I have seen have been instances when the comedians have joked about realities in our everyday life that simply do not make sense. And there is a lot of material. For instance, where are all the baby pigeons? There is one comedian who performs regularly at The Comic Strip Live in Manhattan, who often bets the audience that no one will be able to locate a baby pigeon in the city before the show is over. He also says that pigeons must be like Marines—they leave no wounded warriors—because he has never seen a dead pigeon in New York.
There are many different words that we use—in various situations—for things that do not make sense: “ironic,” “hypocritical,” “tongue-in-cheek,” “strange,” or as my mom sometimes says, “wack.” Sometimes, it can be annoying or maddening when people are hypocritical. Like when a friend—who spends 85% of all your conversations with her talking about herself—complains about how self absorbed all her other girl friends are. But, on a good day, this might make you smile. Because when you think about things that don’t make sense, sometimes they are just too darn wack not to smile. Like these things:
*When a guy—who has been arrested for getting into a fight at a bar—criticizes a friend for getting into a fight at a bar that did not end in arrest (“A bar is not the place.”) in front of mutual friends who witnessed the guy’s arrest.
*When your boss tells you (at 5 p.m.) that you should “really go home early tonight,” as he hands you more work to do.
*When someone asks you for advice on whether she should do A or B, and after you tell her to do A, she gives you three reasons that explain why you are wrong and why she should actually do B.
*When it makes people happy to be miserable.
*When a cat survives getting hit by an 18-wheeler. And when that same one-eyed cat outlives her great, great, great grandchildren.
*When you disconnect the battery of your car every time you turn your car off (and reconnect with a wrench every time you turn it on), in order to save power.
*When someone asks you to do him a favor and you realize that he could have done the task in the time it took him to explain it to you.
*When you pre-game an open bar.
*When you are out to dinner with a dozen or so friends and at the end of the meal, the same few people realize that they do not have any cash and that there is no money on their debit cards. And those are the same people who planned the dinner and chose the expensive restaurant.
*When a visiting friend (who you gave a key to your apartment to) wakes you up at 5:15 a.m. to buzz him into the apartment.
*When you spend an entire evening dancing, flirting, and making out with a stranger at a bar, and you leave with only her friend’s number.
*When girls wear Uggs with mini-skirts.
*When the innkeeper at the bed and breakfast that you are staying at for the weekend tells you, “I’ve seen blood on the sheets. I’m not worried about contracting AIDS, though; I’m worried about hepatitis B.”
What doesn’t make sense in your life?