Due to popular protest, I have added a #11 to the list. I don't like to admit when I'm wrong, but seriously, you would not believe the hate mail I have been getting since Sunday's post...
And, no, RKsoPitted—I am not moving you from your mention at #10. First of all, there wasn't any significance to the numerical order of the list. Do you think I value flowers more than our mother and grandmother...? Second, you said it would be okay to keep you at #10 if I shopped for some joint Christmas gifts that we could give to others "from us." Seeing as you still owe me money from the last time we gave a "joint" gift, I think you're just fine at #10. Don't you?
Without any further ado, here it is, #11:
11. I am thankful for Austin. I am thankful that he cooks me whole wheat pasta—do you think he actually wants to eat "that shit"? I am thankful that he is taller than me in all the heels that I can walk in (and any shoe that I cannot walk in). I am thankful that he likes to wander around, like me. I am thankful that he can talk to anyone so that I don't have to talk to everyone. I am thankful that he doesn't play video games or like watching TV, except for sports. I am thankful that he can always explain why a flag is thrown in a football game. I am thankful that he can almost always answer the question, "What's his deal?" with the following stats for the particular athlete in question: height, weight, college/high school, number of years in respective league, relevant records; and usually a story or two from the athlete's personal life. I am thankful for his friends, who I happily call my friends, too; and who, to quote one of them, "made [my] senior year memorable and at times forgettable." I am thankful that Austin, like me, isn't a pet person. And I am thankful that he will read this.
my beagle and i are trying to come to terms with your 1-11 items to be thankful for this thanksgiving. we are trying, we are trying.
ReplyDeleteHaha, Marcy. You're beagle is actually a lovely pet and I like him as long as he is in your home and not my apartment. I'd be much more likely to kidnap Jack for a weekend. I think the conversation would be infinitely better. Plus, J doesn't shed, he likes to go to out lunch, and he is safe to bring to pottery shops (one right near me, too). Miss you guys.