Sunday, March 11, 2012

Where in the world...

With no post last weekend, I am sure you have been wondering where in the world everyone has been.

Grammy was in the Dominican Republic for a week with Grampy.  Just a week because one year they went to the Dominican Republic for two weeks and Grammy said that was “just too long.”  (I know…)  You would think the place would feel me more like home to her given that they go to the same resort every year, but that is neither here nor there.  They got back Wednesday and I haven’t heard a peep about the trip yet.  I don’t call them anymore because they are never home and my voicemails seem to have a mysterious way of going missing.  (“No, sweetie, there were no messages from you on the machine.”)  Don’t get me started on the cell phones.  So, Grammy, if you are reading this (and you better be), call your favorite grandchild.

RKsoPitted has been busy with schoolwork, or so he says.  He is getting a degree in applied economics from John Hopkins (D.C. campus), while still working at UBS.  Don’t ask me what “applied economics” means or what he does at UBS.  But, if you ask him and he tells you, then explain it to me.  I do know that RKsoPitted got a 4.0 last semester.   I know this because he emailed me a PDF of his report card, with the message: I'm coming for your fridge space! RPK will rise from the ashes to dominate yet again.” He has always been a little touchy about the amount of space my accomplishments and (pretty) face has taken up on my parent’s refrigerator door.  I didn’t point out to him at the time that there was only one grade on said 4.0 report card for the one class that he took.  Let’s see what happens this semester with two classes on the schedule.  RKsoPitted will be making an appearance in NYC this month.  So, hide ya kids, hide ya wife…

My cousin, Samantha transferred to the University of Delaware this semester.  I am very proud of her and looking forward to visiting her soon so that I can pretend that I am still in college.  When I visited her last year at Salve Regina, a few students asked me if I was a freshman.  I wasn’t sure if that was insulting or not.

My cousin, Paul just bought a condo in Atlanta.  His bathroom is the size of my apartment.  Don’t really want to talk about him.

Ma has been busy at school.  She is always a few steps away from saving the world—just has a few high school students to straighten out along the way.  She asked me to look over a letter she is sending out to the drama family of her school.  I thought about telling her to take out the part about loving all her drama students and parents, but then I realized she could get away with it.  Because it is true and because people would actually believe her.  So instead, I just deleted a few exclamation points.  I love you mom, and I know you are THAT excited because you are crazy, but no one can get away with more than an exclamation point here and there.

No idea where my dad has been.  Not answering my calls.  (Is there a theme here?)  My dad generously offered to help me with a financial matter a little while ago.  (I am being vague so that you don’t know how many peanuts I make per hour at work and also because I am really not qualified to be more specific when it comes to “financial matters” of which I have no knowledge.)  His help and support is extremely appreciated and I know it is not required of him.  Nonetheless, I find it interesting that he goes MIA right at the time when he is supposed to actually do this helping/supporting.  I told the financial advisor at UBS that I needed a little more time before I got back to him as my dad was traveling.  The advisor asked when my dad would be back.  I didn’t know what else to say besides he is always traveling, so I didn’t respond to that email.  Normally, though my dad is very accessible when he is traveling.  I have a better chance of getting him on the phone when he is in Paris, London, Russia, etc. than my mom when she is at her high school in Connecticut.  Apparently not, though when I am calling in regards to financial matters.

A bunch of my friends from the notorious Colgate women’s soccer team are visiting this week for their spring break.  We went on our bar crawl through the upper west side yesterday.  It was great.  See below.

Austin and I walked around the west village last Sunday and eventually ended up near the 9/11-memorial site, which was impressive.  Looking down into the pools was the kind of scary that makes you feel like you have to catch your breath.  I definitely recommend checking out the pools and greater memorial site as it expands.  And thank you to Austin for suggesting we check it out.  We may not be perfect, but we are a good traveling pair.

Where else have I been?  In this video for the book, WHITE GIRL PROBLEMS, which is hilarious (video and book).  Watch:  So glad the authors of the book have 676.4K Twitter followers and I decided to wear that H&M sweater the day of the video shoot.

And…(longest post ever, huh?), a truncated (great word) version of the (even) longer piece of creative writing that I wrote for my senior thesis has been included in the online journal of Stone Canoe.  online, here:  Click on link and click on my piece.  I would beg you to read but it is kind of long and I actually think the other version, which is twice as long, is better.  So I’ll email it to you and you can read that.  Just kidding.  Kind of.  If you are not bored yet, the piece is about poverty in upstate NY and a pretty extraordinary woman who generously shared her life with me and who I became somewhat enamored with.  She was homeless with three (adorable) kids when we met.  Actually, you should read the truncated version of my piece.  Because of her.  And then let me know if you still want the longer version?

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